Monday, November 15, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a fiction book called The Baby-Sitters Club.

The author of this book is Ann M. Martin.

In the story the baby-sitters split up and it had been the longest separation of the baby-sitters club. Claudia and her family had taken a trip to a resort in New Hampshire. Mary Anne and Stacey had gotten jobs as mother helpers, And had  gone to Sea City, and went to  New jersey beach with the Pike family. Dawn went to California with her mom and  little brother Jeff.  But poor Kristy hadn’t gone anywhere.

I like this book because they can work well as a team. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Dancing Mat Typing

 Today I completed a must do task called typing. 

First I went on Dancing Mat Typing and put on a timer for 15 minutes.

Then I placed my fingers on the letters a, s, e, d, r, f, g, h, u, j, k, I, and l. 

I think I should keep practicing and improve on the letters u, l, and k. 

Friday, October 22, 2021


 I learnt how to do fractions using shapes.

First I had to match the fraction with its label.

Next I had to shade the fractions and labled it.

Lastly I had to make my own fractions and shade it with its lable.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

SSR Selfie

I read a book called Diary of a minecraft zombie. This is a fiction book. 

This book is about a zombie named Zack he is thirteen and wants to join the minecraft marathon PVP tournament. But his parents said no so he couldn't join.He got so angry when his parents said no. But has to face one of the biggest challages in his life his feelings.He thought that he would change in the outside but his inside are chaging too. 

I like this book I enjoyed learning about minecraft zombies because I always die by them in minecraft, but now I know what to do if a see one.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Be Active

I compeleted a Mental Health Care challenge the challenge is called Be Active. I did the minecraft yoga.

First we used the secret word which was: Namaste.

Then some minecraft yoga poses that is related to minecraft.

Lastly lead on our backs and then said the secret word which was: Namaste.

I liked this activity because my body felt nice and relaxed after.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Taking Notice

 I did Mental Health Care Challenge it was called Taking Notice.

First I thought of the things I am grateful for.

Next I wrote it down and listled it.

I liked this activity because it reminds me for what I am grateful for.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Literacy CH 1

 I did a literacy challage task called odd items.

First I looked around my house to find an odd item which was: Potato Peeler

I created a poster and wrote a short procedure about its functions.

  1. Get the potato peeler.
  2. Get the potato and hold it.
  3. Hold the handle of the patato peeler with your other hand.
  4. Move the potato peeler back and forth to peel the skin.
This activity was fun because I got to learn how the Potato functons.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Emoji Story

 Today I completed a task called emoji story.

First I had to think of a story to retell using emojis.

Next I had to find emojis that link to the story.

Lastly I put the emojis together in order.

I liked this activity because it was fun to do and I creative.

Can you figure out what the story is?

Monday, September 27, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a book called The Tree Hut Treaty, By Wiremu Grace and illustrated by Bruce Potter.

The main characters are:Tia, Crystal, Jack and Manaia.

In the beginning Manaia and Tai looked over the fence and they saw there new neighbors that was called Crystal and jack. Tai and Manaia showed them around their neighborhood. After that they sat down under the pohutukawa tree.

I like this book because it has a version Te Reo and English version.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Te Reo

 I completed a Te Reo task.

First I wote a question which was:Kei hea te kutikuti? (Where is the scissors)

Then I wote the answer which was: Kei runga i te pukapuka. (On top of the book)

After that I took a photo of all of them.

This is easy activity becuase you just have to look for stuff in your house and make them into questions.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dancing Mat Typing

I completed a task called Dancing Mat Typing this helps people learn to type faster.

First I put a fiften minute timer on.

Then I had to placed my fingers on the keypads which was: a ,s ,d ,f ,j ,k ,l, ; and placing my index fingers on g and h.

I need to improve remembering where the l, s, and k are at.

Monday, September 20, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a fiction book called drama. The author is Raina Tegemeier.

In the begining There is a girl named Callie she loved the theater. She would try out for her middle school’s production of moon over mississippi. She can’t really sing so instead she is the designer for the stage crew.

I doing this activity because it helps me with my reading and liked reading this book because it is very interesting.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Te Reo

 I completed a Te Reo task.

First I wote a question which was: Kei hea te ukui? (Where is the eraser)

Then I wote the answer which was: Kei runga i te pukapuka. (On top of the book)

After that I took a photo of all of them.

This is easy activity becuase you just have to look for stuff in your house and make them into questions.

Monday, September 13, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a book called New Zealand birds. By Browen Wall.

This book helps us learn about New Zealand birds.

Kiwi’s are nocturnal at night they hunt for food like worms, and crickets, Kiwi use the nostrils at the end of their beaks to smell the prey.

Tui are clever birds, Adult Tui have a tuft of white feathers on their throats.Kea are parrots they use their toes and beaks to hold things and to climb trees, kea have four toes two point forwards and backwards.

I liked this book because I learnt about the New Zealand birds.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Problem Solving

We used to Place value to solve a maths equation. The equation is Leilani has to practise dance for 90 minutes she has already practised for 24 minutes, 26 minutes and 17 minutes.

First we started by adding to the ones. For example: 6 + 4 + 7 = 10, 10 + 7 = 17

Next we added all the tens. For example: 20 + 20 +10 = 50

Then we added the answers all together. For example: 10 + 50 + 7 = 67

Lastly we minus 67 from the 90. For example: 90 - 60 - 7 = 23.

Leilani has 23 more minutes for dance practice.

I liked this activity because it helps me slove math problems.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

SSR Selfie

I read a book called Ghosts. By Raina Telgemeier.

In the beginning of the book Catrina and her family are moving to Bahia de la luna California. Her sister Maya has cystic fibrosis it affects the breathing and digestion and there is no cure. Their neighbors invited them over to have a  dinner and told them that there are ghosts in Bahia de la luna.

I like this book because it is very interesting and catraina is caring to her sister.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed a subtration speed demon challenge. 

My score was 100/100. My time was 9 minutes 21 seconds.

I think I need to work on my basic facts boxes so I can get faster.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Steps Web

Today I did some step web activitys. 

The first activity I did is called definitions. In this activity they give us a definition. Next there is going to have some words under the definition. Then you choose the word you think is right.

The next activity I did is called choose the word. In this activity you have to complete the sentence. For example: He ___ a slice of cake.

Monday, August 30, 2021

SSR Selfie

I read a book called Fruit Kebabs. By Alice Patrick and illustrated by Jenny Cooper.

In the story there is a little girl and her brother making fruit kebabs. First they washed the grapes and peel the apples, kiwi friut, bananas, and oranges.Then they cut the fruit into small pieces and put it on the stick. Then gave it to the vistors.

I liked reading this book because I learnt how to make fruit kebabs.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Why you should not eat fast food

 I learnt how to use persuading reasons.

First I tried looking for some ideas for the topic. My topic was food and my argument was why you should not eat fast food

Next I wrote some reasons why you should not eat fast food and I did some research on why you should not eat fast food to back up my reasons. 

I had three reasons and here is what I came up with: Eating this kind of unhealthy food can have negative health consequences over time such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues. Eating fast food can harm a person's health. This is because most fast food is high in sugar, salt, saturated fat and trans fats, processed ingredients, and calories. Eating fast food high in sodium can lead to increased headaches and migraine.

I think I could do better on my reasons.

Synthesis and QAR

I learnt to do synthesis and QAR on a text called Fun Fantastic Fabulous Fitness.

First we read the text Fun Fantastic Fabulous Fitness. It talked about why fitness is good, why schools should have more time on sports  and fitness to be healthy. 

Next we did our synthesis. The synthesis has three boxes: prior knowledge, new information and  new understandings.

Last I did my QAR. The QAR has questions to answer and has four boxes right there, think and search, author  and you and on my own. 

I liked this because I learnt some new information in this text.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read this book called What Dino Saw his book is a fiction book.

This book is about a girl named Jenny that found a egg by a creek she took the egg home and it soon started to hatch then came out a baby dinosaur and had called it Dino.

The author is Victor Kelleher and illustrator Tom Jellett.

I like this book because because Jenny was a good mom to for the baby binosaur.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Arty Rocky Crafters Party Poppers

My company Arty Rocky Crafters created a whole party popper.

In the beginning, we looked for designs for our party popper. We choose dogs for our design on our party popper. We choose the design of dogs because it is easy and simple. We practice drawing the design piece of paper and then put it on the cup.

Next we collected our parts that we need for our party poppers. We made our party popper using Paper cups, a small rubber band, paper, pom poms, glitter stickers, and a bolt. 

To finish up we assembled the party poppers using the parts. Then put the filling in the cup which was pom poms and glitter stickers. 

I learned a lot about making party poppers. I need to practice putting the parts together.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Party Popper Prototype

My company, Arty rocky crafters designed the prototype of the party popper.

In the beginning, we choose what to use for the party popper. For example we chose the paper cup because it was easy to cut the hole. When we were done choosing the parts we moved on to the next thing.

Next we made our designs for the prototype.

To finish up we tested our prototype we put the parts of the prototype together.

I enjoyed learning about prototypes and modeling.

Thursday, July 1, 2021


We wrote 3 introductional sentences.

The first sentence was a basic fact. A basic fact is something true about the topic.
Plants exist everywhere around us. To grow them you need seed, soil, water, and sunlight.

The next sentence was question hook. A question hook is trying to get the reader to read the text.
Did you know that most plants give us oxygen for us to breath. Plants need sunlight, air, water, nutrient, and space.

The last sentence was explain emotion. Explaining emotion is trying to get a emotional feeling while reading.
Plants are good for us and they are really healthy because fruits and vegetables grow on plants. To make your own you need seeds, soil, water and sun.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Balancing | HPE

Today for HPE we did balancing using a bat and a table tennis ball.

First we went over on how to hold a bat. You had to hold it like you are shaking someones hand while making a gun shape.

Next we bounce the table tennis ball while holding the bat with our forehand. 

Then we bounced the table tennis ball while holdig the bat with our back hand.

After we need to balance the table tennis ball on the bat the last three people was the champion.

Lastly we played a game of table tennis the other people had to vs the champion. You had to drop the ball and hit it to bounce to the other side.The other people who were the one who were surving the ball. The other people had 3 trys to beat the champion. 

I liked this activiy because I learnt how to hold a bat.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Table Mat

For reading we did table mat using the strategy skimming and scaninng. Our book was Killer quakes.

Skimming is when you are going through the text and looking and for keywords. Scanning is when you stop and focus on the information on the text.

First I skimmed through the text and looked for key words. My keywords was earths crust, and landslide. Then I scanned through the text and looked for information in chronological order.

Lastly I recored my keywords and facts onto my table mat.

I liked this activity because I did more skimming and scanning. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Balancing | frisbee skills

I used frisbee skills to help me balance when throwing and catching a frisbee.. 

First we got into partners and had turns throwing the frisbee.

Next we one of us acted like a dog and the other throws the frisbee. Using the technique of running while the frisbee was in the air and jumping to catch the frisbee.

Then one of us throws the frisbee and the other person catchs it and face a part of the school.

Lastly we played a game where there are two goals and one team has to put the frisbee in the other teams while the other team is is doing the same thing but protecting their goal.

I like this activitys because I learnt frisbee skills.

Translate names

 Today for maori I practiced translating maori to english names.

 First I translated the maori names with the english names.

 Next I wrote names with colours the colours I used was blue, white, and brown.

 Then I wrote the english letters that the maori alphabet doesn't have.

Lastly I translated my name into a maori name. My name is Alexxa and it turned into Arexa.

I need to practice my moari because I keep going into maori dictionary.

Thursday, June 17, 2021


 For Maori I learnt maori sentences.

First we revised mua, muri, and runga. Mua means infront, muri means behind, runga means on top.

Next I revised  the question which was Kei hea te panana? The question means where is the banana.

Then I went to maori dictionary to traslate fruit and objects.

I liked this activity because I learnt something new.

Balance | HPE

I learnt how to balance by using tennis equipments.

 First I balanced the tennis ball on the racket while walking around.

Next I bounced the ball on the tennis racket while balancing.

Then my partner threw the ball to me and I hit it in balanced position. 

After that I ran, stopped, and hit the ball in a balanced position

I liked this activity because it helped me with my balance.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Maori Question

 Today for Maori we leanrt different Maori prepositon.

The first prepositon is waho which means outside, The second prepositon roto which means inside, The third prepositonis mua which means front and the fourth prepositon muri which means behind.

With these Maori prepositon you can ask question as example kei hea te .... which means where is the ....

I liked this activity, but I need to practice saying the words because I struggle with them.


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a fiction book this book is called Moth.

This book is about a moth that is looking for a friend she isn't like the other moths this moth doesn't like the light and the crowds.

The author and the illustrator is Belinda Mellor and Jen Campbell.

I like this book because the moth is different to the other moths.

Balance Challenge | HPE

 We made our own challenge based on balancing.

First, we planned out what challenge we were doing. Our plan was to stand on one leg and swing our arms back and forth while holding the bottle.

Next, we tested out our challenge by avoiding our tipping point while making the bottles touch each other.

Lastly, we took a photo and recorded our results and we made our poster. 

I liked this activity because we got to make our own challenge.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

HPE | Balancing

Today for HPE we practiced balancing on one foot and with different equiment.

At the first station the equiment we used was a volley ball. With the volley ball one person throws the ball and the other person thorws it back while balancing on one foot.  This was hard because I was losing my balance when I throwed the ball.

At the next station the equiment we used was soccer ball. With the soccer ball we balanced the ball with our head and then we balanced the ball with our knee. This was hard because when I balanced the ball on my head it would slip of my head.

At the next station the equiment we used was tenins racket. With the tennis racket one person throws the ball so the other person to hit the ball while balancing. This was easy because we just had to balance on one leg.

At the next station the equiment we used was hockey ball and the hockey stick. With the hockey ball and the hockey stick one person rolls the ball so the other person can hit the ball with the hockey stick and balance. This was hard because the ball will always the ball was hard to hit.

At the next station the equiment we used was the egg and spoon. With the egg and spoon we took turns balancing on one foot and balancing the egg on the spoon. This was hard because the egg will always go off the spoon.


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Reciprocal Reading

We did reciprocal reading with two PDFs What we lived and What we lost.

First the leader gives roles to each person in the group the summariser, questioner, clarifier, and the predictor. We read the text What we lost, it was about the soldiers suffering from injury and being scared of bullets. Many were injured and lots died. The conditions they lived in were horrible. There was a lot of disease.

The most helpful role is the clarifier It gives us lots of  information while reading the text and helps us to understand what we are reading.

Next, we read the text about where we lived. This text was about Lady Liverpool inspiring women and children throughout NZ to sew shirts and pyjamas; to knit socks, balaclavas, mittens, and cholera belts, and to donate holdalls and sewing kits.

My favourite role was clarifier because I can unlock information but I should work on predictor because I struggle a lot being it.

Friday, May 28, 2021


We learnt how to write a hook. 

First we watched a video about a hook.

Then we wote a hook about how chocolate was made. Did you know that is takes 400 cocoa beans to make one bar of chcolate. Hot chocolate is the first chocolate invented. Chocolate has over 600 flavour. compound.

Next we wote a hook about the life cycle of a butterfly. Did you know there are 20,000 butterfly species. There are 4 cycle of a butterfly and they are an egg, caterpiller, crystal, lastly butterfly.When the butterfly dies they still have some eggs in there bodies.

Lastly we wote a hook about how fireworks work. Did you know fireworks was made in China. The fireworks come from burning small bits such as iron or steel or steel filings. The fuse sets off a charge which ingites the gunpowder.

I liked this activity because I learnt how to write a hook.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Simple machines

Did you know that simple machines were invented along time ago? These simple machines are wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Simple machines help people make work easier and faster.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 This is how to read a calendar.

Step one read the day.

Step two read number of the day.

Step three read the month.

Step four read the year.

Maori question

 Today I learned how to ask and answer questions.

I got to ask the question that was kei ruga i te pukapuka. That means that the object is on top of the book.

The second activity we had to do was to make a poster with 10 kitchen items with the Maori name with it.

I really like this activity because I got to ask and answer Maori questions.


In PE we did balancing on one foot with different PE equiment.

The first was rugby ball. We balanced on one foot and pasted the rugby ball while we balanced on one foot. This was hard because we had to balance while we pass the rugby ball.
Next was the  hockey stick and the hockey ball. We balaced on a different foot and hold the hockey stick while the other person is rolling the ball. This was easy because we just had to hit the hockey ball.
Then the frisbee. We balanced on one foot and throwed the frisbee to the other person. This was hard because I had to pass the frisbee while balancing.
After that was the basket ball. We balanced on one foot and dribbled the ball then we passed it to the other person. This was hard because we had to dribble and pass the ball. 
Lastly we used the netball. We balanced on one foot and passed the netball. This was easy because I was just had to pass the ball while balancing.

I liked this because it was fun but the one I was struggling on was the frisbee because I had to balance on one foot and I had to throw the frisbee.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

We did a cause and effect about the butterfly life cycle.

First we sorted out the puzzle about the butterfly's life cycle.

Next thing we did was we wrote a cause and effect when they start as egg.

Then we wrote cause and effect about the caterpillar as example the caterpillars can get so hungry

After that we wrote a cause and effect when the caterpillars are finished growing and it makes a chrysalis.

Lastly we wrote a cause and effect about when the chrysalis opens and the butterfly lives its life cycle again.

I liked this activity because I learnt different things about butterflies.

Reciprocal Reading

I did reciprocal reading with my group.

The leader is the person who tell's the group who goes first or last.

The predictor is the person who is says what they think is going to happen next in the story.

The qustioner is the person who ask question's.

The clarifier shares words that they don't understand.

The summarizer is the person who summarised the sentence in their own words.

I need to practice being the predictor because I struggle alot when I'm chosen to be the predictor. 

Block Twister

Today I learnt how to play block twister.

First thing we did was warm up.

Then we played the game called block twister. One person has to say a body part ether left or right and we put it on a block but it can not be the same block.

I found this hard because it was hard to balance when my legs and arms are on a diffrent block.


 I learnt how to tell people to pass something in maori.

First we revisioned what we did last time it was the word meanings Tenei, Tena, Tera.

Next we learnt what Hoatu te ika ki te taha maui which means ( Give the fish to the left side).

It was hard for me because the sentence was hard to say.

Friday, May 14, 2021


All text have keywords to share information to the reader.

A keyword is a word that unlock information.

For example conscription means you are forced to do something.

LI - To expand vocabulary using keywords

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Time difference

I completed a activity called time difference.

First I read the hour between the two clocks which was 4 hours.

Then I read the minutes between the two clocks which is 35 minutes.

After that I put the two times together and it is 4 hours and 35 minutes.

I need to practice more because it took me a long time to fine out the time. 


Manners are use to be respectful to others.

We should use manners all the time at school, home and public.

When you are talking you should use your manner to your mum or dad and and visitor.

When you are talking you should use eye contact to show respect.

We have to use manners to be polite and repectful.

Manners are saying thank you, your welcome. pleace, sorry and Excuse me.

Problem Solving

Today we did problem solving.

First we read the question as a goup.

Then we talked about what the answer is and write it down.

After that we figured out the right answer.

I am good at this because I practice this before.

Simple Machines

Today we found the simple machines around our school.

These are the simple machines.

  • screw 
  • pulley
  • wheel and axle
  • lever
  • Inclined plane
  • wedge

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Today I learnt maori three prepositions.

The first preposition is tenei. Tenei means here.

The second preposition is tena. Tena means over there.

The last preposition is tera. Tera means way over there.

I liked this activity because I learnt something new.

HPE - Balancing

 Today we did balancing around our school.

The first thing we did was balace against the pillar. Then one person in our group had to take the photo.

The next thing we did is we went to the play ground the thing I went on was the big long lines.We had to take the photo fast because I was falling. 

After that we had to balance but two people have to help. I balanced on a big blue line.

The last thing we balanced on was two people and one person was on top to balance.

I liked doing this activity because it was fun but it was hard becuase I fell a lot.

Friday, May 7, 2021


Today we learnt some questions in moari.

First question is Kua marma which means do you understand?

Today we learnt some questions in maori.

The first question is Kua marama which means do you understand?

The next question is Kua mutu which means Finished?

I think I should practice my maori so I can be better saying it.

Thursday, May 6, 2021


I completed a maths activity about reading the clock.

First I looked at the hour hand then I looked at how many hours have past. It was 1 hour.

Next I looked at the minute hand and looked at how many minutes have past. It was 44 minutes.

Then I put them all together and it is 1:44.

I liked doing this activity because I learnt how to read a clock.

Simple Machines

 Simple machines are tools that people made to make work easier.  These are the simple machines

  • Lever
  • Screw
  • Pulley
  • Wheel and axle
  • Wedge
  • Inclined plane




Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Balancing Skills

 Today we learnt about balancing.

First we learnt about what balancing means. Balancing is like puting one of your foot and staying still and not moving.

The next activity is trying to balance on the balance beam. Two people had to cross the balance beam.

After that we went in groups and had to balance on a soccer ball for the next activity.

I like balancing on a soccer ball because it helped me pratice balancing.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

SSR Selfie - Guts

 Today I read this book called Guts. This book is a fiction dook.

The author of this book is Raina Telgemeier.

One part in the story was when she was scared her borther because he caught the stomach flu.

I like this book because raina is kind and has nice friends.

LI : to summarise and retell a text.


 Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal.

Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. Communication is a team talking together to make a plan. An example of this is when the dodgeball players talk as a team to make a plan to win the game.

Cooperation is working together to achieve a goal. An example of this is there are two teams playing dodgeball and they need to work as a team to win the game.

Collaboration is working together to be successful or finsh something. An example of this is when dodgball players are working to finsh the game.

( This video shows the mechanism of communication )
( This video shows the mechanism of collabration )
( This video shows the mechanism of cooperation )

To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to implemented throughout the activity.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Making Connections

Making connections is connections that have similar to each other. 
There are three connections and they are text to self, text to text, and text to world.

Text to self is a text that links to yourself, For example: the duck returned the food to the village the connection i did was my cousin shared her food with me and I give it back to her and they both because they are both about sharing.

Text to text  is connections are when peole compare the text to the text they are reading to other similar texts. For example: The duck lead the rat to the cave, The three little pigs tricked the wolf when the wolf got in the house by going down the chimney The pigs had put hot water under the chimney.

Text to world is comparing something in a book to the real world for something that has already happend. For example: The duck gives water to the horse, people around the world help homeless people in need.

Connections give the reader a deeper understanding of what the book is about.


  Multipication is a faster way of adding the same number many times. The three ,four , six and  times are examples of multipication. 

The four tables are multiplying four by a number of groups.

 The six times tables are multiplying six by a number of groups. 

The three times tables are multiplying three by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multipication equations. The next time tables to learn  are the seven, eight, and nine times tables. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Duffy Role Model

 Mark duffy is a duffy role model. Mark had a bad childhood because he read left to right and got bullied.

 Mark duffy learnt to read in prision because he was a bad reader When he learnt how to read .Then Mack duffy went on boxing and fight for life.

Mark duffy worked at Bunnings and also manages the largest store in New Zealand which is in Hamilton. Mark duffy wanted to go back to university to become a counseller.

Mark duffy is now a role model and gives advice to kids about reading and tells about his life. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Private vs Public

Information could be safe and not told but could also be shared and posted.

Private information should be safe and not be told in public so it will not be shared like a address, secrets, account details, and  social information.

Public information can be told to everyone and also be posted and could be shared it could be photos of pets, funny photos, nice comments, photo of the scenery on walk, and holiday photos.

Infromation could be safe and not told or it could be share or posted.

If information is not kept safe it could be bordcast, shared, coppied, or hacked.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Character Trait

 A character trait is writing information using adjectives and fact about what happend in the story.

The duck was clever by tricking the highway rat because he was being disrespectful and he got traped. 

The duck was a good character because she shared the leftover food to the vilage. 

The duck was being generous by giving the horse water because the duck knows the horse is tired.

Character trait helps people understand the characters personality

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 Multipication is a faster way of adding the same number many times. The two, five, and ten times are examples of multipication. 

The two times tables are multiplying two by a number of groups. The five times tables are multiplying five by a number of groups. The ten times tables are multiplying ten by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multipication equations. The next time tables to learn  are the three, four, and six times tables.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Compare and Contrast

I compared and contrasted diffrent dances from around the world.

First I look at a video that showed us diffrent dances around the world.

Then we found the dances that I wanted to compare and contrast I picked the filipino dance it is called Tinikling and the New Zealand dance the haka.

Next I wrote some differences and similarities.

Lastly I put the differences and similarities in diffrent slides.

I liked doing this because I learnt a lot about the diffrent dances from around the world.

Fact or Opinion

 This week I completed task called Fact or Opinion.

First I read a book called The highway rat.

Then I wrote the some facts of what happened in the story.

Next I wrote the opinion this is why it happened in the story.

After that we wrote adjectives about the characters personality.

My favourite part was writing adjectives because it was fun.


 This week we did multiplication. Multiplication is a faster way of adding the same number many times.

First we got an unknown amount of counters.

Then put the counters in small groups of 5.

Next we counted the small groups of 5 which is was 8 groups.

After that we took a photo then ladeled the 8 groups of 5.

Lastly we used multiplication to fined out the unkonwn amount, which is 40.

I liked doing this because it helped me with my multiplication.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Americas cup

 I completed my americas cup activity.

First we went in group of 4. Then did main ideas we had to look for some information about Americas Cup. Then we sorted the information in to What, When, Who, Where, and Why and that is main ideas.

Next we did some summarising we had to write down 20 words that are important. Then we had to choose 6 words out of the 20 words that we think are more important. After that we had to use the 6 words that we picked and use it in our sentences.

Then we did some evaluating first we had to write what the text was about. After we had to write the interesting facts we learnt from the text. Next we had to write questions after reading the text.

Doing this activity helped me with knowing the americas cup. 

The Highway Rat

Visualisation is creating pictures in your head. This helps understand what we read.

Highway rat is about a rat who is greedy and steals  everyones food. He learns a lesson and everyone lives happily.

My visualisation is different from my partners because we all think diffrently.

We have diffrent visualisations because we have imagine diffrently.



Place Value and Saying Numbers

 Place value is a system that groups numbers based on their size.

The position of a digit determirs its value. When we say numbers we group then with in the the same house. For  example 15709 has fifteen thousands, Seven hundreds and  nine ones.

Understanding our base 10 place value system allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Mihi Whakatau

Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for a formal greetings.

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions and openings. It is undertaken by the Tangata whaenua (local inhabitants). The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significant aspects to the place. 

The Maunga (mountain), awa (river) and the (iwi) Tribe are generally used. Introducing Ingoa (name), Oku tipuna (ancestral place) and where you live
is important for the audience to understand the position of the speaker.

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitors that is being welcomed. It is important to end with a warm welcome so the visitors know that there is no hostility in the two groups being together.

Being respectful of the land, the people and the purpose of a visit will ensure a long lasting relationship and connections.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Basic Facts Box's

I completed my Basic Facts Boxs. The level I finished was up to 5.

My time was 7 minutes and 46 seconds. I got 96/100 correct.

rfcrfgv I need to practise being faster with my basic facts and go up  to level 10. 


I completed a stage 5 prototec.

First I did my prototec.

After, I made a google slide on Prototec 2021.

I did a prototec test on basic facts I went in stage 5 sheet. I got 41 out of 60 right. In the time of 30 minutes.