Monday, August 30, 2021

SSR Selfie

I read a book called Fruit Kebabs. By Alice Patrick and illustrated by Jenny Cooper.

In the story there is a little girl and her brother making fruit kebabs. First they washed the grapes and peel the apples, kiwi friut, bananas, and oranges.Then they cut the fruit into small pieces and put it on the stick. Then gave it to the vistors.

I liked reading this book because I learnt how to make fruit kebabs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexxa.

    Fruit Kebabs sounds like an interesting book to read. Have you made fruit kebabs before? They are a really fun food to make.

    Next time, please make your image larger so that we can read your slide.

    Another thing you could do is find words or phrases that are actually new to you. I think you already knew what all three of those words meant.

    I look forward to seeing you learning new words from books.

    Keep working hard.


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