Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Balancing | HPE

Today for HPE we did balancing using a bat and a table tennis ball.

First we went over on how to hold a bat. You had to hold it like you are shaking someones hand while making a gun shape.

Next we bounce the table tennis ball while holding the bat with our forehand. 

Then we bounced the table tennis ball while holdig the bat with our back hand.

After we need to balance the table tennis ball on the bat the last three people was the champion.

Lastly we played a game of table tennis the other people had to vs the champion. You had to drop the ball and hit it to bounce to the other side.The other people who were the one who were surving the ball. The other people had 3 trys to beat the champion. 

I liked this activiy because I learnt how to hold a bat.

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