Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Reciprocal Reading

We did reciprocal reading with two PDFs What we lived and What we lost.

First the leader gives roles to each person in the group the summariser, questioner, clarifier, and the predictor. We read the text What we lost, it was about the soldiers suffering from injury and being scared of bullets. Many were injured and lots died. The conditions they lived in were horrible. There was a lot of disease.

The most helpful role is the clarifier It gives us lots of  information while reading the text and helps us to understand what we are reading.

Next, we read the text about where we lived. This text was about Lady Liverpool inspiring women and children throughout NZ to sew shirts and pyjamas; to knit socks, balaclavas, mittens, and cholera belts, and to donate holdalls and sewing kits.

My favourite role was clarifier because I can unlock information but I should work on predictor because I struggle a lot being it.

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