Wednesday, June 2, 2021

HPE | Balancing

Today for HPE we practiced balancing on one foot and with different equiment.

At the first station the equiment we used was a volley ball. With the volley ball one person throws the ball and the other person thorws it back while balancing on one foot.  This was hard because I was losing my balance when I throwed the ball.

At the next station the equiment we used was soccer ball. With the soccer ball we balanced the ball with our head and then we balanced the ball with our knee. This was hard because when I balanced the ball on my head it would slip of my head.

At the next station the equiment we used was tenins racket. With the tennis racket one person throws the ball so the other person to hit the ball while balancing. This was easy because we just had to balance on one leg.

At the next station the equiment we used was hockey ball and the hockey stick. With the hockey ball and the hockey stick one person rolls the ball so the other person can hit the ball with the hockey stick and balance. This was hard because the ball will always the ball was hard to hit.

At the next station the equiment we used was the egg and spoon. With the egg and spoon we took turns balancing on one foot and balancing the egg on the spoon. This was hard because the egg will always go off the spoon.


1 comment:

  1. Kio ra Alexa
    I like the way you told us about if it was hard or easy doing the egg and spoon. Next time when you are touching the spoon to the ground stretch your leg out and go down slowly.


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