Monday, September 13, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I read a book called New Zealand birds. By Browen Wall.

This book helps us learn about New Zealand birds.

Kiwi’s are nocturnal at night they hunt for food like worms, and crickets, Kiwi use the nostrils at the end of their beaks to smell the prey.

Tui are clever birds, Adult Tui have a tuft of white feathers on their throats.Kea are parrots they use their toes and beaks to hold things and to climb trees, kea have four toes two point forwards and backwards.

I liked this book because I learnt about the New Zealand birds.

1 comment:

  1. Tino pai Alexxa, good work. What an interesting book to read - out of all the birds you read about what birds do you see in your neighbourhood? I am lucky enough to see, and hear, Tui every day.


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