Friday, May 28, 2021


We learnt how to write a hook. 

First we watched a video about a hook.

Then we wote a hook about how chocolate was made. Did you know that is takes 400 cocoa beans to make one bar of chcolate. Hot chocolate is the first chocolate invented. Chocolate has over 600 flavour. compound.

Next we wote a hook about the life cycle of a butterfly. Did you know there are 20,000 butterfly species. There are 4 cycle of a butterfly and they are an egg, caterpiller, crystal, lastly butterfly.When the butterfly dies they still have some eggs in there bodies.

Lastly we wote a hook about how fireworks work. Did you know fireworks was made in China. The fireworks come from burning small bits such as iron or steel or steel filings. The fuse sets off a charge which ingites the gunpowder.

I liked this activity because I learnt how to write a hook.

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