Thursday, June 17, 2021

Balance | HPE

I learnt how to balance by using tennis equipments.

 First I balanced the tennis ball on the racket while walking around.

Next I bounced the ball on the tennis racket while balancing.

Then my partner threw the ball to me and I hit it in balanced position. 

After that I ran, stopped, and hit the ball in a balanced position

I liked this activity because it helped me with my balance.


  1. Greetings Alexxa,
    It is intersting balancing while using tennis equipments. I also did tennis while balancing. You could try running and then hitting the ball.

  2. Hi alexxa
    I like your HPE blog post because You have lot of hard work on it and i like the way put power to sanding back up.
    and I like the way you balanc with one leg and i like the way you useing spoon and egg.


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