Wednesday, May 26, 2021


In PE we did balancing on one foot with different PE equiment.

The first was rugby ball. We balanced on one foot and pasted the rugby ball while we balanced on one foot. This was hard because we had to balance while we pass the rugby ball.
Next was the  hockey stick and the hockey ball. We balaced on a different foot and hold the hockey stick while the other person is rolling the ball. This was easy because we just had to hit the hockey ball.
Then the frisbee. We balanced on one foot and throwed the frisbee to the other person. This was hard because I had to pass the frisbee while balancing.
After that was the basket ball. We balanced on one foot and dribbled the ball then we passed it to the other person. This was hard because we had to dribble and pass the ball. 
Lastly we used the netball. We balanced on one foot and passed the netball. This was easy because I was just had to pass the ball while balancing.

I liked this because it was fun but the one I was struggling on was the frisbee because I had to balance on one foot and I had to throw the frisbee.

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