Friday, May 28, 2021


We learnt how to write a hook. 

First we watched a video about a hook.

Then we wote a hook about how chocolate was made. Did you know that is takes 400 cocoa beans to make one bar of chcolate. Hot chocolate is the first chocolate invented. Chocolate has over 600 flavour. compound.

Next we wote a hook about the life cycle of a butterfly. Did you know there are 20,000 butterfly species. There are 4 cycle of a butterfly and they are an egg, caterpiller, crystal, lastly butterfly.When the butterfly dies they still have some eggs in there bodies.

Lastly we wote a hook about how fireworks work. Did you know fireworks was made in China. The fireworks come from burning small bits such as iron or steel or steel filings. The fuse sets off a charge which ingites the gunpowder.

I liked this activity because I learnt how to write a hook.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Simple machines

Did you know that simple machines were invented along time ago? These simple machines are wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Simple machines help people make work easier and faster.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 This is how to read a calendar.

Step one read the day.

Step two read number of the day.

Step three read the month.

Step four read the year.

Maori question

 Today I learned how to ask and answer questions.

I got to ask the question that was kei ruga i te pukapuka. That means that the object is on top of the book.

The second activity we had to do was to make a poster with 10 kitchen items with the Maori name with it.

I really like this activity because I got to ask and answer Maori questions.


In PE we did balancing on one foot with different PE equiment.

The first was rugby ball. We balanced on one foot and pasted the rugby ball while we balanced on one foot. This was hard because we had to balance while we pass the rugby ball.
Next was the  hockey stick and the hockey ball. We balaced on a different foot and hold the hockey stick while the other person is rolling the ball. This was easy because we just had to hit the hockey ball.
Then the frisbee. We balanced on one foot and throwed the frisbee to the other person. This was hard because I had to pass the frisbee while balancing.
After that was the basket ball. We balanced on one foot and dribbled the ball then we passed it to the other person. This was hard because we had to dribble and pass the ball. 
Lastly we used the netball. We balanced on one foot and passed the netball. This was easy because I was just had to pass the ball while balancing.

I liked this because it was fun but the one I was struggling on was the frisbee because I had to balance on one foot and I had to throw the frisbee.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

We did a cause and effect about the butterfly life cycle.

First we sorted out the puzzle about the butterfly's life cycle.

Next thing we did was we wrote a cause and effect when they start as egg.

Then we wrote cause and effect about the caterpillar as example the caterpillars can get so hungry

After that we wrote a cause and effect when the caterpillars are finished growing and it makes a chrysalis.

Lastly we wrote a cause and effect about when the chrysalis opens and the butterfly lives its life cycle again.

I liked this activity because I learnt different things about butterflies.

Reciprocal Reading

I did reciprocal reading with my group.

The leader is the person who tell's the group who goes first or last.

The predictor is the person who is says what they think is going to happen next in the story.

The qustioner is the person who ask question's.

The clarifier shares words that they don't understand.

The summarizer is the person who summarised the sentence in their own words.

I need to practice being the predictor because I struggle alot when I'm chosen to be the predictor. 

Block Twister

Today I learnt how to play block twister.

First thing we did was warm up.

Then we played the game called block twister. One person has to say a body part ether left or right and we put it on a block but it can not be the same block.

I found this hard because it was hard to balance when my legs and arms are on a diffrent block.


 I learnt how to tell people to pass something in maori.

First we revisioned what we did last time it was the word meanings Tenei, Tena, Tera.

Next we learnt what Hoatu te ika ki te taha maui which means ( Give the fish to the left side).

It was hard for me because the sentence was hard to say.

Friday, May 14, 2021


All text have keywords to share information to the reader.

A keyword is a word that unlock information.

For example conscription means you are forced to do something.

LI - To expand vocabulary using keywords

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Time difference

I completed a activity called time difference.

First I read the hour between the two clocks which was 4 hours.

Then I read the minutes between the two clocks which is 35 minutes.

After that I put the two times together and it is 4 hours and 35 minutes.

I need to practice more because it took me a long time to fine out the time. 


Manners are use to be respectful to others.

We should use manners all the time at school, home and public.

When you are talking you should use your manner to your mum or dad and and visitor.

When you are talking you should use eye contact to show respect.

We have to use manners to be polite and repectful.

Manners are saying thank you, your welcome. pleace, sorry and Excuse me.

Problem Solving

Today we did problem solving.

First we read the question as a goup.

Then we talked about what the answer is and write it down.

After that we figured out the right answer.

I am good at this because I practice this before.

Simple Machines

Today we found the simple machines around our school.

These are the simple machines.

  • screw 
  • pulley
  • wheel and axle
  • lever
  • Inclined plane
  • wedge

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Today I learnt maori three prepositions.

The first preposition is tenei. Tenei means here.

The second preposition is tena. Tena means over there.

The last preposition is tera. Tera means way over there.

I liked this activity because I learnt something new.

HPE - Balancing

 Today we did balancing around our school.

The first thing we did was balace against the pillar. Then one person in our group had to take the photo.

The next thing we did is we went to the play ground the thing I went on was the big long lines.We had to take the photo fast because I was falling. 

After that we had to balance but two people have to help. I balanced on a big blue line.

The last thing we balanced on was two people and one person was on top to balance.

I liked doing this activity because it was fun but it was hard becuase I fell a lot.

Friday, May 7, 2021


Today we learnt some questions in moari.

First question is Kua marma which means do you understand?

Today we learnt some questions in maori.

The first question is Kua marama which means do you understand?

The next question is Kua mutu which means Finished?

I think I should practice my maori so I can be better saying it.

Thursday, May 6, 2021


I completed a maths activity about reading the clock.

First I looked at the hour hand then I looked at how many hours have past. It was 1 hour.

Next I looked at the minute hand and looked at how many minutes have past. It was 44 minutes.

Then I put them all together and it is 1:44.

I liked doing this activity because I learnt how to read a clock.

Simple Machines

 Simple machines are tools that people made to make work easier.  These are the simple machines

  • Lever
  • Screw
  • Pulley
  • Wheel and axle
  • Wedge
  • Inclined plane




Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Balancing Skills

 Today we learnt about balancing.

First we learnt about what balancing means. Balancing is like puting one of your foot and staying still and not moving.

The next activity is trying to balance on the balance beam. Two people had to cross the balance beam.

After that we went in groups and had to balance on a soccer ball for the next activity.

I like balancing on a soccer ball because it helped me pratice balancing.