Friday, March 26, 2021

Americas cup

 I completed my americas cup activity.

First we went in group of 4. Then did main ideas we had to look for some information about Americas Cup. Then we sorted the information in to What, When, Who, Where, and Why and that is main ideas.

Next we did some summarising we had to write down 20 words that are important. Then we had to choose 6 words out of the 20 words that we think are more important. After that we had to use the 6 words that we picked and use it in our sentences.

Then we did some evaluating first we had to write what the text was about. After we had to write the interesting facts we learnt from the text. Next we had to write questions after reading the text.

Doing this activity helped me with knowing the americas cup. 

The Highway Rat

Visualisation is creating pictures in your head. This helps understand what we read.

Highway rat is about a rat who is greedy and steals  everyones food. He learns a lesson and everyone lives happily.

My visualisation is different from my partners because we all think diffrently.

We have diffrent visualisations because we have imagine diffrently.



Place Value and Saying Numbers

 Place value is a system that groups numbers based on their size.

The position of a digit determirs its value. When we say numbers we group then with in the the same house. For  example 15709 has fifteen thousands, Seven hundreds and  nine ones.

Understanding our base 10 place value system allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Mihi Whakatau

Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for a formal greetings.

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions and openings. It is undertaken by the Tangata whaenua (local inhabitants). The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significant aspects to the place. 

The Maunga (mountain), awa (river) and the (iwi) Tribe are generally used. Introducing Ingoa (name), Oku tipuna (ancestral place) and where you live
is important for the audience to understand the position of the speaker.

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitors that is being welcomed. It is important to end with a warm welcome so the visitors know that there is no hostility in the two groups being together.

Being respectful of the land, the people and the purpose of a visit will ensure a long lasting relationship and connections.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Basic Facts Box's

I completed my Basic Facts Boxs. The level I finished was up to 5.

My time was 7 minutes and 46 seconds. I got 96/100 correct.

rfcrfgv I need to practise being faster with my basic facts and go up  to level 10. 


I completed a stage 5 prototec.

First I did my prototec.

After, I made a google slide on Prototec 2021.

I did a prototec test on basic facts I went in stage 5 sheet. I got 41 out of 60 right. In the time of 30 minutes. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Print Design Rules

 I learnt about the print design rules. 

First Mr Wong taught us about the main aspects of the print design rules colour, layout, text, composition. 

Next I figured out which posters were good and bad with my partners. 

Last I reorganised a poster to make it look good.

I liked doing this because I could reorganise the poster. 

AFL training

 Today we did AFL training. The first thing we did was look for a partner. 

First the coach taught us how to pass you put the ball on your hand and get your other hand to push the ball to give it a boost. 

Next the coach showed us how to kick the ball make a M with your hands and get the ball then use the is foot you are comfortable with and drop the ball and kick.

Then that we played games using the technics he has showed us the first game was octopus. In the game we had three people as tagger and the taggers get a balls and if you get hit by the ball you will have to be a statue if other people tags the statue people they will unfrezze. Then the others can to run.

After that the next game was we had to kick the ball on our teacher or the coach. Me and my partner tried to hit the coach but we would miss.

I liked doing this because I learnt some different skills that I did not know.




 I learned how to write the alphabet, numbers, and symbols properly.

I watch a video to show neat handwriting.

I wrote the characters neatly into my writing book.

I need to work on my M's and K's because I wrote it wrong.


LS1's Treaty

We learnt about the 3 Ps in the treaty of waitangi and how they apply to our learning. 

First Mr Ogilvie introduced the 3 Ps in LS1 in the Treaty of waitangi. 

They are protection, partnership, and participation.

 Then in groups we wrote sttements about the 3 Ps are all connected. 

After that we used our  group ideas and thought about how they connected to me. 

I chose these 3 statements because they will help me be successful with my learning in LS1. 

I will be kind to other people and take care of my device.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Cultural Art


Today I went outside to get things such as leaves, flowers, rocks and grass to make a bee. I learnt that making a bee with these materials is harder then it looks. First I used the leave as a body. Then I put the two rocks as eyes and taped it to the leaf. Next I also used small leaf as wings for the bee. After that I used grass as legs. Lastly the flower is there to show that the be is feeding on its nectar from flowers .