Thursday, November 19, 2020

Look Down

                                                    look down 

Problem - They are on top of the plane 

Solution - They were shouting for help and a person from the plane helped them. 

One day there were two boys with their mum going on a plane to go to New Zealand. The two boys were so excited to go to New Zealand.

The two boys said “why are we going to New Zealand mum?”. “Because we are visiting your grandma,'' mum said. “Ok” said the two boys. Then the plane took off.

The two boys looked at the window. They were amazed by what they saw. “Mum” said the two boys “look at this!” “Yes it looks so cool”. The two boys wanted to see more. The two boys wanted to go out. And said “but how”. The other boy looked, “an exit” said the other boy. The other boy said but “what if mum will get worried”. The other boy said “it's fine”. They went out of the plane. ‘It is good smelling fresh air”.


“I'm getting scared,” said the other boy. “Um me two look how high we are.

It is shaking”. “This was not a good idea!” “Oh no what do we do?” “I do not know?” “I am scared to stand!” “Me two”. “Mama's going to get worried!” “Yes you were right I should have listened to you before now we are going to be in trouble,'' said the boy.

“I have an idea we need to shout for help then they will come”. “Good idea”. “Help help help!” “Where are my kids”? Mom said mum. “Oh no I hear them “she went out.” Kids what are you both doing here?”” We both wanted to see a lot of things”. “Ok but come to me you can not stay here for a long time!” “ We are rescued”. The plane went down “yay we are here”! “Sorry mum for being bad”.


They visited their grandma and felt good to see her. They were not allowed to stay for a long time and went back. Then it felt good to see their house again.

Here is my narrative. Can you tell what the problem and the solution are?

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