Thursday, November 26, 2020

Te Reo - Names

 Maori Names: Toru

He aha te rā? He aha te huarere? Kei te pēhea koe?

Try these on your own first - use the clues given.

























Heni, Heeni
















This week we looked at another set of maori name.

Te Whanau Raukura


  • Introduction 

  • Visitors 

  • Reply 

  • Simon says

I could smell the fresh air while walking in the hall. When we went inside the people made a loud sound with a shell. There were six people from Auckland Museum that had come to perform at our school. When they came in we all were shocked and amazed.

They started the performance and they also showed us some weapons and they showed us how to use them. They also did a performance with poi’s and sticks. It was so amazing. They also talked in Māori and they did a haka.

Then the whole school sang songs and the boys in our school did a haka because we all wanted to say thank you for what they did. It was so much fun. They also smiled when we did our performances and that made me happy.

When we were finished doing our performance the school split up the different parts of the school to play games. My class was on the field with room 4 we played Simon says but in Māori and  we had to remember the words. I liked playing Simon says in Māori but unfortunately I got out but I still had fun. It was as fun as going to the pools.

The performance and the haka and the game were amazing. I felt tired because of the game but it was fun. I liked the performance a lot. The weapons were so interesting.

We had a special visit this week. Reed all about it here.

Chunky Callenge

We are looking at what prefixes and suffixes mean to help our spelling.


Chunky Challenge

This week we learnt that ex at the start of some words mean out.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Chunky Challenge

This week our prefix is pre meaning before. My DLO tells you what the parts of the word mean.


Art Colouring Book

This morning we tried one of this years summer learning journey activityies. The purpose of this task was to exprement with colours by mixing colours from the original palette with pop colours.
This allowed us to recolour famous painting ir images of landmards around the world. I liked how I could  exprement with colours.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Chunky Challenge

This week our prefix is semi meaning half or part. My DLO tell you what the parts of the words mean.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Poem - NIce Work

This week we wrote our own versions of the poem.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Look Down

                                                    look down 

Problem - They are on top of the plane 

Solution - They were shouting for help and a person from the plane helped them. 

One day there were two boys with their mum going on a plane to go to New Zealand. The two boys were so excited to go to New Zealand.

The two boys said “why are we going to New Zealand mum?”. “Because we are visiting your grandma,'' mum said. “Ok” said the two boys. Then the plane took off.

The two boys looked at the window. They were amazed by what they saw. “Mum” said the two boys “look at this!” “Yes it looks so cool”. The two boys wanted to see more. The two boys wanted to go out. And said “but how”. The other boy looked, “an exit” said the other boy. The other boy said but “what if mum will get worried”. The other boy said “it's fine”. They went out of the plane. ‘It is good smelling fresh air”.


“I'm getting scared,” said the other boy. “Um me two look how high we are.

It is shaking”. “This was not a good idea!” “Oh no what do we do?” “I do not know?” “I am scared to stand!” “Me two”. “Mama's going to get worried!” “Yes you were right I should have listened to you before now we are going to be in trouble,'' said the boy.

“I have an idea we need to shout for help then they will come”. “Good idea”. “Help help help!” “Where are my kids”? Mom said mum. “Oh no I hear them “she went out.” Kids what are you both doing here?”” We both wanted to see a lot of things”. “Ok but come to me you can not stay here for a long time!” “ We are rescued”. The plane went down “yay we are here”! “Sorry mum for being bad”.


They visited their grandma and felt good to see her. They were not allowed to stay for a long time and went back. Then it felt good to see their house again.

Here is my narrative. Can you tell what the problem and the solution are?

Poem - Night

This week we looked at presonification here is my example.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

2020 Blogging


My best month of blogging was at September because I did 15 blog posts. My worst month of blogging is May and October because I did not do much bloging. My goal is to have 100 blog posts before the holidays. My favourite blog post is my maze game becuase it was fun to make. I have 72 blog post and when I post this I have 73 blog posts. I need 27 more posts.